Tuesday, August 21, 2007

I hate tax season

I swear tax season is 11 months out of the year. Not really, but weeks like this seem to last forever. Poor Dave has been arriving home around midnight every night....I don't know how he does it. And truthfully I thought I might be productive during this time, but no....tonight consisted of me cleaning a little after Coop went down, reading an US Weekly my friend brought over to keep me company, roaming over to the computer, back to the t.v. to find Tori and Dean Inn Love (which by the way I can't stand her, yet I can't wait to watch next weeks episode), then I predict waking up on the couch after midnight in a pool of sweat, sleep walking to my bed cranky because I am so fetching hot, and then after finally dozing off again, Dave will walk in. It's already 11 though so maybe I'll try and stick it out till Dave gets here...

We went to this beautiful park last Friday with our friends (two of which moved the next day) for a little goodbye picnic. It's sad to see them go. Tiffany has been our neighbor for over a year and Kristen has been back here for the last 3 summers. I have grown so close to them and it's hard for me to not be able to see them as often as I did.

Cooper couldn't get enough of the "duck (really high pitch)---ies(back to low)"

Tiff, Me, Kristen, Kristin

I miss you Tiff!


Whitney said...

Its so sad to see good neighbors go! Looks like you guys had a good goodbye though. I can't stand how darling Cooper is!

melissa said...

AKSDJFJSAKDHFLAJS stace, i love love the thought of cooper going...DUCK-IES. i really got giddy!!! oh man, i miss you guys so much!! please hurry and get your skinny little bumb cheeks up to utah so we can play again and i can have cooper not look at me or want me to hold him, haha, jokes i seriously want to see him so bad even though he can't stand me, hopefully one day he grows on me after i slap the shyness out of him, haha, i only wrote that so people reading your comments will wonder what in the h e double is wrong with me!!

Allie said...

Stace, cute pics as always. I used to be such a huge camera person, but I have been so bad lately. Hey, I was wondering where your friend Skye got her website done... Matt is working on getting his photo business going, and he needs a site. We want a good one, though. I like your friends. Could you find out for me? Thanks, love Kathy Bates (thats my new name)

The Bishops said...

Ohhhh seeing your blog makes me miss you guys even more!!! That is a priceless picture of us, not the best, but priceless!!! I can't wait to see ya Saturday!!

melissa said...

stacie, i know i already commented, but i was looking at your blog again, and you seriously are beautiful!! that picture with all the girls together, you look so good!! just an FYI, see ya

Aaron and Jessie said...

Stacie I'm so mad we don't live by each other, it always looks like you're doing fun things, that park is beautiful. When are you coming out here? we want to have a bbq so let me know. Is tax season over yet? I love your description of yourself when Dave's gone at night, it sounds like me since Aaron doesn't get home until 11:30

Ashley said...

Cooper is such a stud! I just saw his pics on your friend's website. SOOO CUTE!