Thursday, September 4, 2008

I have a sudden craving

I just topped off a huge bowl of ice cream, yet these pictures I took last week are making me hungry. What else is new.

a photobook of Cooper digging in...because I just can't choose one
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sorry mom
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ok, not really
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greatest day ever, going on my fourth cookie
I'm going to be sick.
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Wow. Soon there will be 4 of us. Today after my doc appt it hit me...and I started to cry. And just so you know, crying is something that doesn't happen to me when I'm pregnant...just major irritation with everything. Anyway, my life is going to change...and it hit me like a brick. My nerves are kicking in and instead of the excitement I've felt the entire pregnancy, I am feeling anxious and scared all of a sudden. I think just cause it's getting close. It's all good, everything will turn out wonderful. How can it not?


Anonymous said...

Wow! I was seriously wondering if that baby had arrived yet. I might have to get out of bed and go get myself some cookies!

us said...

Those pics are so cute! I love em. You gonna be a mommy (again) soon! Yay.. honestly, Im sure its normal to feel nervous, its a huge change! But for the better.. Im sure things will go awesomely. I wish you luck!

Mark and Meghan said...

those cookies look delicious! and i hear you on the changing your whole life thing. i was a mess before claire was born. but obviously now i can't imagine life without her! i think it's something that you hear a lot ("everything will be fine," "you'll love this one just as much." blah blah blah) but unless you actually go through it, you can't understand. so "EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE FINE!!" :)

the fellers said...

oh my, those cookies look incredible! That gooey chocolate goodness! NUM! (can you tell I have been off sugar for almost 3 weeks?) this post is making me regret that decision! And wow! I cant believe things are happening so fast for you, I might have to invite Mel and your mom to this bow party so that you can get some bows, cause I think you are going to go early!

the fellers said...

OH! And I Forgot to say, you will be fine, I know you hear it all the time, but you will...I am going to be honest, it can be rough at times, but it gets easier with everyday, and when Cooper looks are you baby girl with a huge grin on his face, and goes up and kisses her or talks to her like a big brother, then it will all be worth it! I love those precious moments, and I will cherish them forever!

Allie said...

Yay!! I am so excited for little baby to get here. I have a little outfit for you :) Lets get together before she comes! said...

K can you make those cookies the next time we hang out. They look amazing... maybe it is a pregnant thing. Stace you are so close!!! Keep us updated!!! You will be a total pro with two kids too, so no worries.

The Lunds said...

Yum. I could use some cookies. I made some for a baby blessing today and only got 1 or 2. Dang! Your due date is so soon. You are going to do great though!

Tracy Elder said...

yummm...cookies..gooey ones too!

coop is such a cutie!

i am going to text you tomorrow so you have ample time to respond..hehe..

ps-your pictures look amazing!! did u get a new lens or something?

Anonymous said...

I miss your cookies! Those pictures are making my mouth water right now and I might just have to make some when I get home! Hope your last month is going well, miss you guys!!