Thursday, May 29, 2008

It's raining

and thundering and lightning outside. Yet another beautiful day followed by piss weather. I'm only bummed because we bought a bunch of flowers last night that I was so excited to plant today. All is well...we will do it soon. But seriously, aren't you proud I actually have ambition again? Yes, it's true...I think I'm pretty much back to normal. I'm getting excited for the "nesting" phase of my pregnancy when I want to scrub the house spotless. Please bless that happens.

Speaking of ambition, we are finally trying to get our empty living room done. We picked out couches and I'm slowly looking around for stuff to make it complete. I'm sure it will take forever for it to look done, but I'm just thrilled I actually have a desire to furnish our home. I found some cute pillows at Target....I'm ready for color in my house.
Aren't they pretty?

Cooper has discovered the world of rocks since we've moved here. There is a lot of construction going on in our neighborhood and endless piles of dirt and rocks. He, of course, spotted this pile right down the street and now it has become a frequently visited spot. He makes me sit down on the curb right next to him so I can watch him throw rocks.

So my kid isn't photogenic. Like father and mother, like son. Do any other mom's of two year olds find it impossible to get a picture of your kids face? I only get his back, running far away from me.

Have you ever woke up from a dream feeling uncomfortable because it felt so dang real? Well my dream consisted of me and Steve Nash (for those of you who don't know him, he plays b-ball for the Pheonix Suns) Not only were we a couple in my dream, I remember joining him for a meeting with the quorum of the twelve apostles...since he was a member. I also remember telling him how attracted I was to him. This can be number two on my list of weird number one would be the time I had a dream that I was intimate with Cosmo Kramer. Please tell me this is normal.


Janette said...

You are so funny. Love the pillows very cute. I love to decorate especially when you first move into a house. Hey by the way, We have some friends that moved into Daybreak. They moved into a neighborhood kind of like yours (if that helps) Their names are Shawn & Kristen Patten(from St. George)They are way fun couple and they have 2 kids. Anyway, just thought I would let you know someone cool might be in your neighborhood.

the fellers said...

first off...the dreamt thing...SO NORMAL! I had weird ones all the time when I was pregnant...creepy weird dreams! I hated it! And yes, I know how you feel about not getting good pics, Scoty is ALWAYS running away from me, and when he is close enough to me to get a pic, he is screaming/crying, doing whatever else but smiling! I hate it! Oh well, Rylee sits still...haha....I am so glad you are feeling better...i am excited to see your house!

Andrea said...

Intimate with Cosmo Kramer!!!!Baaah! I'm dying laughing. That's great Stacie.

Anonymous said...

How fun to decorate your new house! I too am just wanting great weather. I don't need it to be burning hot, just warm with a little breeze! And I hear you on the two year old thing, Emma will never look at me when I'm trying to take her picture, I've kind of given up trying. Your dreams crack me up, trust me I've had weirder ones though! Maybe it's just pregnancy that does that to us.

The Bishops said...

I can't believe how big Cooper is getting. Kaden also has a love for rocks, except he calls them balls! I have to tell you that as I was looking at your blog Kaden came over and said, "pooper" that means Cooper! It was so cute! He still remembers our little Cooper. I show him Cooper and Izak's pic on our fridge from time to time just to remind him of them. He sure knows who they are. have fun decorating! Glad your feeling well! Miss you guys!! Love you!

Mark and Meghan said...

i'm glad you're feeling better! and no i can never really get a good picture of my kids..Porter's getting better, but hello, he's 3!! i'm so excited for you that you're having a girl...theyr'e really fun, but be careful of your wallet!! :)

love the pillows...

melissa said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....hands down that might have been my favorite post stace-thats all i want to say so i don't overdue how much i really obsessively loved this post! Cosmo Kramer, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Tracy Elder said...

NO! You ARE the ONLY one who has crazy dreams!!! j/k :)

I love that you used the word term "piss weather". You are so original with your everyday slang. I really miss that around here.

The greens and blues are awesome! I love that you have ambition again and I wish I could see you and then we could go to DLand...

Miss ya!

John and Erin said...

Ha ha ha...Please share all of your dreams with us from now on. Love the pillows, I wanna come see em in your dang cute house!

Allie said...

stacie you are hilarious! I've got a lot of dream stories, especially from pregnancy! Coop is darling, nd I personally think candids are the best. Can't wait to see your furnished home. said...

You got it on with Kramer! Was he good... he he you are hilarious. I honestly have the most vivid dreams as well. I had a dream that we ate over at Connie Chungs house and she was a devil worshipper and was sacrificing pigs... haven't been able to watch 20/20 since.

Anonymous said...

okay you make me pee my pants laughting at your dreams. :) love the pillows, cant wait to see the whole room once it's all put together!! thanks for the b-day message. my phone's really wierd up here, dosen't let me text... anyway see you soon! luv ya!

Anonymous said...

Haha!! That is hilarious.. At first, I couldn't remember who Cosmo Kramer is. I thought it was the Jazz Bear!!!! Then I looked him up and the real Cosmo Kramer is much worse than the Jazz Bear. That isn't a dream, that is a total nightmare!

Dan and Sherri Overton said...

Murdocks!!!!! We miss you guys! Our little group is getting smaller and smaller! I almost called you yesterday to tell me how you got that sweet slideshow to work on the side of your blog. Tracy gave me some pointers, but if you don't see it soon, expect a call!

Dan and Sherri Overton said...

Murdocks!!!!! We miss you guys! Our little group is getting smaller and smaller! I almost called you yesterday to tell me how you got that sweet slideshow to work on the side of your blog. Tracy gave me some pointers, but if you don't see it soon, expect a call!